Binocular vision anomalies may manifest as eyestrain, blurring of vision, headache and even double vision sometimes. With the arrival of technology and also the increasing use of gadgets, the demand for sustained close to activity or focus is obtaining higher. once the eyes work flat out to fulfill this demand, they will get tired and overtime as this fatigue builds up, they develop problems with the vision.
Vision therapy (VT) is like physical therapy for the eyes and the brain. VT is an extremely effective non-surgical treatment for several common visual issues like lazy eye (amblyopia), crossed eyes (strabismus), convergence or fusion insufficiency, and muscle imbalance that interfere with learning, reading, and writing in respect of efficacy and accuracy.
Children who have struggle in school due to difficulties with reading, spelling or writing, take longer time to complete assignments than their peers, perform poorly on timed tests, have a diagnosis of ADD/ADHD, are on the autism spectrum or developmentally delayed have a 70-80% chance of having a vision problem significant enough to affect their performance and are candidates for vision therapy. There is no age limit for VT, patients of any age can be benefited from Vision Therapy.
Amblyopia, sometimes called lazy eye, is characterized by poor vision in an eye that did not develop normal sight during childhood. This condition affects approximately 2% to 3% of the population. VT provides updated treatment also using dichoptic training for children noncompliant for occlusion therapy. In VT success rate of amblyopia is the highest and recurrence is lowest. VT treats amblyopia not only improving visual acuity but also providing binocularity simultaneously without suppressing the better eye (unlike occlusion therapy) resulting to good depth of perception or 3D image. VT also can help reduce eyestrain and other symptoms of computer vision syndrome experienced by many children and adults that cannot be treated successfully with correction of refractive error or surgery, and help people to work both eyes simultaneously, synchronously and symmetrically in a coordinated manner, and achieve the clear comfortable binocular vision and thereby depth perception.
This is currently the only structurally and functionally purpose-built and well-designed VT clinic in Bangladesh. VT is very often an important and great part of squint management. The dedicated team comprises pediatric ophthalmologists, strabismologists and technical experts like optometrists, orthoptists and vision therapists with all the logistics and other support with the help and sponsorship of Standard Chartered Bank (SCB). This well-established VT clinic is running well in full swing under the guidance and supervision of Professor Dr. Mohammad Mostafa Hossain, Head of Pediatric Ophthalmology & Strabismus.
Vision Therapy Clinic was inaugurated in 2020 by the honorable Chief Executive Officer Brig. Gen. AKM Akhtaruzzaman in the presence of the Director and Deputy Director of Medical Services, Head of the Department of Pediatric Ophthalmology & Strabismus.
Some regional workshops were held in many divisions/districts to make awareness of the importance of vision therapy so that patients having symptoms related to vision therapy do not left untreated.